Water, Rain and Birds

It's Mother's Day so, between speaking with the mothers in my life, I went for a walk in the Jenks conservation land in Acton. Despite the occasional heavy rain and constant drizzle, it was a pleasure because I took along my binoculars and did some birding particularly along the paths through the old orchard and meadow there. The Jenks land is lovely property, lying between (flooded) brook and Idlewyld's farmland.
I saw a bluebird like this one (perhaps even the same bird) as well. This lovely shot was taken by my neighbor Neil Tischleron the Jenks property. Neil's a wonderful nature photographer. His website is http://www.neiltichler.com/.
Here's the list of birds I saw on my ramblings:
Wild turkey
Canada geese
Mallard duck
Red-winged blackbird
Spotted sandpiper
Yellowlegs (not sure which one) (all shorebirds were in open ground in Idlewyld farmland)
Tree swallows
Yellowthroat warbler
Yellow Warbler
Song sparrow
Savannah sparrow
Rose-breasted grosbeak
There were other warblers and orioles I couldn't identify. I plan to go back once this long slow storm moves out and the blue sky that frames this bluebird returns.
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